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Контрольная Write a humorous short story about the most hilarious event day in your life, номер: 299043

Номер: 299043
Количество страниц: 2
Автор: marvel6
390 руб.
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essay cover Write a humorous short story about the most hilarious event day in your life , "Breath of fresh air
The long-distance train, reserved seat car, upper side shelf, lying on my side, I looked out the window. <...


Дата публикации:

Write a humorous short story about the most hilarious event day in your life
"Breath of fresh air
The long-distance train, reserved seat car, upper side shelf, lying on my side, I looked out the window. <...
144010, Россия, Московская, Электросталь, ул.Ялагина, д. 15А
Телефон: +7 (926) 348-33-99


  • Содержание:
    "Breath of fresh air
    The long-distance train, reserved seat car, upper side shelf, lying on my side, I looked out the window.
    Bending my head to my feet, I admired nature, and my eyes caught on to the edge of the railway, rapidly leaving into the distance."

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