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Русский язык в деловой документации вариант 3

Контрольная Русский язык в деловой документации вариант 3, номер: 337355

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essay cover Русский язык в деловой документации вариант 3 , "Контрольная работа
Вариант 3
Задание №1. 2
Выпишите слова по образцу в соответствии с типом слога:
1 тип: гласн...


Дата публикации:

Русский язык в деловой документации вариант 3
"Контрольная работа
Вариант 3
Задание №1. 2
Выпишите слова по образцу в соответствии с типом слога:
1 тип: гласн...
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  • Содержание:
    "Контрольная работа
    Вариант 3
    Задание №1. 2
    Выпишите слова по образцу в соответствии с типом слога:
    1 тип: гласная буква находится в положении, когда за ней следует гласная или согласная + буква е;
    2 тип: гласная буква находится в положении, когда за ней следует согласная;
    3 тип: за гласной буквой следует согласная г (+ еще согласная);
    4 тип: за гласной буквой следуют re или ег.
    Задание №2. 2
    Заполните пропуски артиклями ( a/an, the ), где это необходимо:
    1. My parents went to Paris last winter.
    2. As far as I know the Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in world.
    3. Suddenly he saw girl. Girl was sitting on bench with beautiful blossom in her hand.
    4. Here is journal you need
    5. When I came back home I decided to become teacher.
    6. What desert is larger Gobi or Sahara?
    7. London is the capital of Great Britain.
    8. Main landmass of the USA lies in central North America.
    9. My parents are pensioners.
    10. Last year our friends visited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
    11. Russia has two-thousand year history.
    12. My father often told me how he traveled in Caucasus.
    Задание №3. 3
    Перепишите и переведите предложения. Выпишите все прилагательные и наречия, употребленные в этих предложениях, в три колонки, распределив их по степеням сравнения.
    1. Не knows English better than I.
    2. The work of a penal officer is more difficult than any other.
    3. I like to read the interesting books.
    4. The Administrative Law is the important branch of law.
    5. This policeman is the best investigator in our division.
    6. Moscow is one of the oldest cities in the world.
    Задание №4. 3
    Образуйте множественное число от следующих существительных
    a) hour h) box
    b) department i) army
    с) patrolman j) toy
    d) city k) foot
    e) suspect 1) watch
    f) criminal m) prison
    g) crime n) information
    Задание №5. 3
    Образуйте предложения, расположив слова в правильном порядке:
    1. Sherlock Holmes, detective, popular, is, a.
    2. School, finished, he, in, Novosibirsk, in, 1968.
    3. Married, I, not, yet, am.
    4. We, a, friendly, united, and, family, are.
    5. Nina, my, name, is, wife's.
    6. Lot, people, fond, a, taking pictures, of, are, of.
    7. You, do, your, family, love?
    8. I, entered, University, entrance, exams, and, passed, I, last year.
    9. Medical officer, my, is, sister, a.
    10. Works, my, kindergarten, wife, a, in.
    11. Many, have, I, relatives.
    12. Get, usually, up, at, 6 o'clock, I.
    13. Parents, my, now, are, pensioners.
    14. Have, I, at, 1 p.m., dinner, in the canteen.
    Задание №6. 4
    Перепишите предложения. Существительные в скобках поставьте в притяжательный падеж.
    1. (Clara, husband) is a penal officer.
    2. (My friend, house) is not far from the City Hall.
    3. (Dog, the boy) barks loudly.=
    4. (Charles Dickens, novels) are rather popular.
    5. (Marks, the cadets) were not bad.
    6. (My sister, friend) plays tennis well.
    Задание №7. 5
    Перепишите предложения. Поставьте взятые в скобки глаголы в нужную форму. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
    1. Harry Lewis (to be) a penal officer.
    2. I (like) the work of an investigator.
    3. We (know) this colonel very good.
    4. Dorothy Queens (to want) to become a detective.
    5. He (to have) many things to do at home.
    Задание №8. 5
    Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык. Задайте к каждому предложению по 4 типа вопросов (общий, альтернативный, специальный, разделительный).
    Many people like to read Russian classical literature.
    My wife prefers skiing in her spare time.
    Irina entered the Moscow State University last year.
    It is usually very warm in July in Siberia.
    Задание №9. 5
    Прочитайте, переведите текст письменно:
    Crime in Great Britain
    About 90% of all crimes in Great Britain are dealt with by Magistrates' courts. Sentences – that is punishment decided by the court, may be different but people who are found guilty usually pay a fine if the offence is not very serious. Magistrates' courts can impose fines of up to 2 000 pounds or prison sentences up to six months. If the punishment is to be more severe, the case must go to a Crown court. The most severe punishment is life imprisonment: there is no death penalty in Great Britain, it was abolished in 1965.
    The level of recorded crime and the number of people who were sent to prison increased during the 1970s and 1980s. By the end of that period the average prison population was more than 50 000 and new prisons had to be built as overcrowding had become a serious problem.
    Задание №10. 6
    Прочитайте, переведите текст письменно:
    Criminal Justice System: American Experience
    The criminal justice system is composed of those agencies which must enforce the law that society has enacted to protect and preserve itself. Theoretically, it is an integrated apparatus whose functions are to apprehend, prosecute, convict, sentence and correct offenders. The system is composed of three components: police, court, corrections. Each component must contribute to the same goal — the prevention and control of crime and the rehabilitation of offenders.
    But at present the criminal justice system does not work successfully. Of several million serious crimes reported every year to police, ranging from murder to car theft, only one in nine results in a conviction.
    Murder is usually reported, and 86 per cent of all reported murders lead to arrest. Among those arrested, however, only 64 per cent are prosecuted and not more than 43 per cent are convicted.
    In contrast, only 19 per cent of all the burglaries reported to police lead to an arrest. Four out of five arrested are prosecuted and 56 per cent are found guilty. So, for every twelve reported burglaries there is one conviction.
    Robbery – taking property from a person by force or threat of force – is a crime of violence, dangerous to life and increasing rapidly. But chances of a robber being convicted are small. Only 27 per cent of all robberies lead to an arrest. Of those arrested, 63 are prosecuted, of whom one half are convicted.
    Less than two-thirds of the cases, in which individuals are charged with murder and robbery, are prosecutable. Often the reasons are: insufficient evidence, mistaken identity, unprofessional work of law enforcement agencies, etc. While there may be one conviction for every fifty or more serious crimes, only one of four convicted will go to prison. And most who are imprisoned will commit crimes after their release. Thus, of a small portion of all the people who commit serious crimes and are finally imprisoned, the system fails to rehabilitate the majority.


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