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Контрольная Контрольная работа по английскому языку, номер: 302141

Номер: 302141
Количество страниц: 2
Автор: marvel6
390 руб.
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essay cover Контрольная работа по английскому языку , "1. Составьте 15-20 предложений на английском языке - речь и пояснительные комментарии гида-экскурсовода, проводящего экскурсию с ос...


Дата публикации:

Контрольная работа по английскому языку
"1. Составьте 15-20 предложений на английском языке - речь и пояснительные комментарии гида-экскурсовода, проводящего экскурсию с ос...
144010, Россия, Московская, Электросталь, ул.Ялагина, д. 15А
Телефон: +7 (926) 348-33-99


  • Содержание:
    "1. Составьте 15-20 предложений на английском языке - речь и пояснительные комментарии гида-экскурсовода, проводящего экскурсию с осмотром одной из достопримечательностей вашего города. Отметьте правила поведения при проведении экскурсии.
    Переведите речь на русский язык
    Good afternoon, dear visitors. Thank you for attending our excursion in Moscow Zoo. I have been living here since the time I was born and I know a lot about this place and our city. Before we start, I must mention that it is not allowed to drink alcohol during the tour. I recommend you not to leave the group without permission, otherwise you may get lost. You will be informed about animals that are forbidden to photograph. Thank you for your understanding.
    So, let us begin. The Moscow Zoo is a 21.5-hectare zoo founded in 1864 by a group of professor-biologists, from the Moscow State University K.F. Rulje, S.A. Usov and A.P. Bogdanov. In 1919, the zoo was nationalized. In 1922, the ownership was transferred to the city of Moscow and has remained under Moscow's control ever since.
    The zoo had an area of 10 hectares when it first opened, with 286 animals. In 1926, the zoo was expanded to adjacent lands, increasing the area to 18 hectares. The zoo's original buildings were wooden, built in the Old Russian style with intricate wood trims. In 1990, the zoo was renovated. Later a sea aquarium, an aviary, a sea lion exhibit and a section aimed at children were opened. Waterfalls and streams were added throughout to give the zoo a more natural feeling. Today the Moscow zoo has over 6000 animals representing about 1000 species and covers an area of about 21.5 hectares. The zoo workers study animals’ behavior, feeding and reproduction, and breed rare endangered species.
    Now, after short history we are going to get acquainted with each spice of animal. Please, turn right. Look, giraffe is feeding his baby!

    2. Выпишите предложения с определенными грамматическими конструкциями отдельно, переведите каждое из них еще раз и поясните, почему употреблена соответствующая видовременная форма
    The zoo workers study animals’ behavior, feeding and reproduction, and breed rare endangered species.
    Look, giraffe is feeding his baby.
    In 1922, the ownership was transferred to the city of Moscow and has remained under Moscow's control ever since.
    I have been living here since the time I was born and I know a lot about this place and our city.
    In 1919, the zoo was nationalized. "

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