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Контрольная Контрольная работа по английскому языку, 3 задания, номер: 279553

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Количество страниц: 3
Автор: marvel5
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essay cover Контрольная работа по английскому языку, 3 задания , Составить 10 разнотипных вопросов.

Перевести 20 предложений, используя Present Continuous
1. I am investigating the ancient ...


Дата публикации:

Контрольная работа по английскому языку, 3 задания
Составить 10 разнотипных вопросов.

Перевести 20 предложений, используя Present Continuous
1. I am investigating the ancient ...
144010, Россия, Московская, Электросталь, ул.Ялагина, д. 15А
Телефон: +7 (926) 348-33-99


  • Содержание:
    Составить 10 разнотипных вопросов.

    Перевести 20 предложений, используя Present Continuous
    1. I am investigating the ancient city of Chichén Itza now.
    2. He is reading about the Pyramid of Kulkulkán at the moment.
    3. At the moment I am standing near the Pyramid of Kulkulkán — also known as El Castillo — which is probably the most recognized ruin of Chichén Itza.
    4. He is seeing Christ the Redeemer Statue at present.
    5. Now I am visiting Rio de Janiero and its most widely recognized monuments.
    6. At the moment I am discussing with my friend the weight of Christ the Redeemer Statue.
    7. Today I am watching a film about Rio de Janiero.
    8. Now I am climbing to get to the foot of the statue.
    9. At the moment I am watching the movie “Gladiator”.
    10. Workers are building the Collosseum now, it will be the first freestanding amphitheater.
    11. Look here, gladiators are contesting, it is awful action.
    12. Visitors are flocking to this amazing sight today.
    13. We are going to visit this 42-acre marble mausoleum complex located in Agra.
    14. At the moment I am seeing the Great Wall of China from space.
    15. Now we are counting how much miles the Great Wall of China covers.
    16. At the moment they are investigating Petra, known as “the city in the rock”.
    17. Today we are visiting the most impressive Petra structure – Sik al-Khazneh.
    18. Now we are going to visit Machu Picchu, the city in the clouds.
    Look here, tourists are climbing between two peaks - Machu Picchu (Old Peak)
    19. and Huayna Picchu (New Peak).
    20. At present Yale professor Hiram Bingham is rediscovering the city.
    Перевести 20 предложений, используя Present Simple
    1. This well-known Mayan city serves as a religious, political and economic center.
    2. The Pyramid of Kulkulkán is probably the most recognized ruin of Chichén Itza.
    3. This step pyramid stands approximately 80 feet high.
    4. It has nine terraces and four sets of stairs.
    5. Each staircase has 91 steps.
    6. This statue of Jesus is one of Rio de Janiero’s most widely recognized monuments.
    7. It stands 98.5 feet tall atop the summit of Mount Corcovado.
    8. It weighs approximately 700 tons.
    9. Built in Rome sometime around AD 70, it is the first freestanding amphitheater.
    This 42-acre marble mausoleum complex located in Agra is a stunning and well-
    10. known Indian landmark.
    11. The Great Wall of China is the only man-made object visible from space.
    12. But it just isn’t true.
    13. The Great Wall of China is definitely a modern marvel and rightfully belongs amid the other seven wonders.
    14. Contrary to popular belief, the wall isn’t one continuous structure.
    15. Including the branches, it covers approximately 4,500 miles.
    16. Perhaps the most impressive Petra structure is the Sik al-Khazneh, also known as the Treasury.
    17. It is an elaborately carved and embellished tomb.
    18. If Petra is the city in the rock, then Machu Picchu is the city in the clouds.
    19. Excavation research suggests that the city was home to about 1,200 residents at its peak.
    20. Today, it is a key tourist attraction.

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