Номер: 199688
Количество страниц: 69
Автор: marvel7
Диплом Euphemisms and their position in the English Language, номер: 199688
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- Содержание:
Chapter 1 Euphemisms and their position in the English Language……………….5
1.1 Euphemisms and style………………………………………………………….8
1.2 Classification of Euphemisms………………………………………………...12
Conclusion on Chapter 1………………………………………………………….18
Chapter 2 The strategic functions of Political discourse organization……………21
2.1 Political discourse analysis…………………………………………………..24
2.2 Non-Literal Language in political discourse………………………………….34
Conclusion on Chapter 2………………………………………………………….41
Chapter 3 Functions of Euphemisms in Modern Political Discourse…………..43
3.1 Functions of Euphemisms in Barack Obama’s speeches………………….46
3.2 Functions of Euphemisms in Hillary Clinton’s speeches…………………….53
3.3 Functions of Euphemisms in Donald Trump’s speeches……………………56
Conclusion on Chapter 3………………………………………………………..62