Номер: 242918
Количество страниц: 5
Автор: marvel
Контрольная Эссе на английском языке по произведению Хэмингуэйя Убийцы, номер: 242918
390 руб.
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- Содержание:
"In the 1940s Hemingway's stories were beginning to be anthologized, ""Indian Camp"" and ""The Killers"" were the two stories most often published in textbooks.
One of the most powerful and at the same time one of the shortest stories was written by american novelist Ernest Hemingway around the late twenties of the last century. With this concise and extremely intimate story the Nobel prizeman was trying to display and through the narrative show to the readers the vision of how weak and insignificant an ordinary person is in face of insidious evil and dreadful grimace of the speedy death. At the same time through the plot the great author has managed to convey all of the strong and blank sides of the bloody and cruel human realm where the killers are able to come after anyone any day and any minute, waiting quietly while the victim is killing himself because of only a thought about the impending reprisal.