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Контрольная Английский язык. Задания 1 - 8, номер: 117641

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Автор: marvel10
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essay cover Английский язык. Задания 1 - 8 , "I. Перепишите следующие предложения. Определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются слова, оформленные окончани...


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Английский язык. Задания 1 - 8
"I. Перепишите следующие предложения. Определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются слова, оформленные окончани...
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  • Содержание:
    "I. Перепишите следующие предложения. Определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются слова, оформленные окончанием – s, и какую функцию это окончание выполняет, т.е. служит ли оно:А) показателем 3 – го лица единственного числа глагола в Present Indefinite;Б) признаком множественного числа имени существительного;В) показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного.Переведите предложения на русский язык.1. We discussed the student’s progress the meeting.2. Most cities have colleges or universities in the USA.3. Mathematics plays an impotent part in many sciences................3
    II. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их, обращая внимание на особенности перевода на русский язык определений, выраженных именем существительным (см. образец выполнения 2).1. Most American colleges and universities a five point scale (5 бальная система).2. A secretary often types business letters and sends telex and faxes to different companies.3. They live in a comfortable two – room flat............ 4
    III. Перепишите следующие предложения, содержащие разные формы сравнения, и переведите их на русский язык.1. As for me, physics is the most difficult of all subjects.2. The more we get together, the more we’ll be.3. The English gardens are internationally famous......... 4
    IV. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод неопределенных и отрицательных местоимений.1. Nobody knows anything about this fact in our group.2. Any student at our department is good at computers.3. Some people like sports and the other some people prefer speak about it........... 5
    V.Перепишите следующие предложения, определите в них видовременные формы глаголов и укажите их инфинитив; переведите предложения на русский язык (см. образец выполнения 3).1. For the company and conversation the English go to the local public house.2. This idea was very impotent in science.3. In three years he will become the chief manager..................... 6
    VI.Прочитайте и устно переведите текст на русский язык с 1- го по 5 – й абзацы текста. Перепишите и письменно переведите 2, 3, 4, и 5 – й абзацы.
    Cambridge1. Cambridge is one of the two main universities of England located at the Cam River. It is founded at the beginning of the 12 – th century. The University consists of (состоит из) 24 different colleges including 4 colleges for women. Each college is self – governing (самоуправляется).2. The head of the University is the chancellor who is elected for life. The teachers are commonly called «dons» and «tutors». Part of the teaching is by means of lectures organized by the University. Besides lectures teaching is carried out by tutorial system for which the Cambridge University is famous all over the world. This is a system of individual tuition (обучение) organized by the colleges.3. Each student has a tutor who practically guides him through the whole course of studies. The tutor plans the student’s work and once a week the student goes his tutor to discuss his work with him. The training course lasts 4 years. The academic year is divided into 3 terms. The students study natural and technical sciences, law, history, languages, geography and many other subjects.4. After three years of study a student may proceed (получить ученую степень) to a Bachelor’s degree, and later to the degrees of Master and Doctor. Students are required to wear gowns (мантия) at lectures, in the University library, in the street in the evening, for dinners in the colleges and for official visits. All the students must pay for their education, examinations, books, laboratories, university hostel, the use of libraries, etc. Very few students get grants. Not many children from the working class families are able to get higher education, as the cost is high. The cost of education depends on the college and specialty.5. A number of great men, well – known scientists and writers studied at Cambridge. Among them are: Erasmus, the Dutch scholar, Bacon, the philosopher, Milton and Byron, the poets, Cromwell, the soldier, Newton and Darwin, the scientists.............................6
    VII. number of great men, well – known scientists and writers studied at Cambridge........ 9
    VIII. Дайте ответы письменно на следующие вопросу по тексту: 91. What is Cambridge? ................................................................................................9
    2. When was it founded? ..............................................................................................9
    3. What does it consist of? ...........................................................................................9
    4. Is the head of the University elected for life or five years? ....................................9
    5. Who plans the student’s work? ..............................................................................9
    6. What must a student pay? ........................................................................................9
    Список литературы 10

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