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Контрольная Английский язык (тесты), номер: 222678

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Автор: marvel
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essay cover Английский язык (тесты) , "Тест
Тема: Глагол “to be” в Present Indefinite.
Задание: Выберите правильный вариант ответа (a, b, c):
1. My grandmothe...


Дата публикации:

Английский язык (тесты)
Тема: Глагол “to be” в Present Indefinite.
Задание: Выберите правильный вариант ответа (a, b, c):
1. My grandmothe...
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  • Содержание:
    Тема: Глагол “to be” в Present Indefinite.
    Задание: Выберите правильный вариант ответа (a, b, c):
    1. My grandmother _____ a teacher.
    2. You_____ sixteen years old.
    3. Ann_____ at home.
    4. My friends_____ happy.
    5. You _____ keen on sports.
    6. I _____ not married.
    7. Den_____ Chinese.
    8. We _____ from Ussuriysk.
    9. I _____ interested in music.
    10. They _____ from France.

    Тема: Местоимения (личные, притяжательные, возвратные).
    Задание: Выберите правильное местоимение.
    1. Look at _____ in the mirror.
    2. I see _____ in college every day.
    3. She speaks to _____ every morning.
    4. I cut_____.
    5. Go to _____ place.
    6. Alex _____ goes to the meeting.
    7. Children hurt _____ .
    8. Tim wants to buy _____ a new coat.
    9. Mary and _____ go to college.
    10. There are 6 rooms in _____ house.

    Тема: Глагол to have.
    Задание: Выберите нужную по смыслу форму глагола “to have”.
    1.She _____ breakfast at 8.
    2. They _____ a class today.
    3. Maggy _____ a big house.
    4. Tom _____ a dog and a cat.
    5. My friend usually _____ lunch at his college.
    6. Today she _____ fish for supper.
    7. They _____ test in English tomorrow.
    8. We _____ English class three times a week this year. .
    9. Ann _____ a headache.
    10. Now they _____ no vacant rooms in the hotel.

    Тема: Сравнение времен (Present, Past, Future) Indefinite.
    Задание: Выберите правильную форму глагола для следующих
    1. Nina _____ school two years ago.
    2. She usually _____ at 7 o’clock in the morning.
    3. Did he _____ to the cinema yesterday?
    4. My brother _____ you at the station tomorrow.
    5. Maggy _____ a new dress last Friday.
    6. I _____ the way to the park.
    7. Where _____ you be in a year?
    8. He _____ school in 2004.
    9. She _____ you up in a week.
    10.Many birds _____ to the south in autumn.

    Тема: Степени сравнения.
    Задание: Отметьте прилагательное, которое нужно вставить вместо пропуска.
    1.Please, come _____ not to be late.
    2.Today you look _____ than yesterday.
    3. He reads _____ than this girl.
    4. What is _____month in this part of the country.
    5. You should wear _____ clothes.
    6. She is _____ fatter than I was in her age.
    7 London is one of _____ cities in Europe.
    8. Streets in this part of the town are _____ than they are in the centre.
    9. My new computer is as _____ as yours.
    10. He feels much _____ now.
    11. Bob is _____ of all my friends.
    12. My _____ brother is an engineer.
    13. Her _____ sister is 17.
    14. I often listen to _____ news.
    15. India is _____ than Norway.
    16. It was _____ day in my life.
    17. Is mathematics _____ than biology?
    18. Mary is _____ as Irma now, and she’s only 13.
    19. Prices in China are _____ than in England.
    20. The _____ you study, the _____ you are.
    21. I think that _____ discussion is useless.

    Тест по теме: «Система наклонений глагола. Условные предложения I, II и III типов».
    Задание. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму.
    1. Условные предложения. Тип I.
    1. If our team (work) hard, we won’t lose the next game.
    2. If the weather (be) fine tomorrow, we are going to have a picnic.
    3. If you go on missing the classes, nobody (help) you.
    4. Tell him to ring me up if you (see) him.
    5. Call for an ambulance if he (feel) worse.

    2.Условные предложения. Тип II.
    1. If I had a typewriter, I (type) it myself.
    2. If I (know) his address, I'd give it to you.
    3. He would smile at her joke if he (be) not so sad.
    4. If Tom worked more slowly, he (not make) so many mistakes.
    5. More tourists would come to this country if it (have) a better climate.

    3. Условные предложения. Тип III.
    1. If I had known that you were in hospital, I (visit) you.
    2. I shouldn't have believed it if I (not see) it with my own eyes.
    3. If you (arrive) ten minutes earlier, you would have got a seat.
    4. If I (know) that you were coming, I'd have baked a cake.
    5. If you (read) the instructions carefully, you wouldn't have answered the wrong question.

    Тема: Все времена действительного залога в сравнении
    Задание I. Укажите, какое время вы бы использовали при переводе данных предложений.
    a) Present Simple
    b) Past Simple
    c) Future Simple
    d) Present Continuous
    e) Past Continuous
    f) Future Continuous g) Present Perfect
    h) Past Perfect
    i) Future Perfect
    j) Present Perfect Continuous
    k) Past Perfect Continuous
    l) Future Perfect Continuous
    1. Я учу английский каждый день.
    2. Я учил английский язык вчера.
    3. Я учу английский язык, не мешай мне.
    4. Я буду учить английский язык завтра.
    5. Я выучил английский язык. Проверь меня.
    6. Я буду учить английский язык с 6 часов вечера.
    7. Я учил английский язык вчера в 7 часов вечера.
    8. Вчера к 7 часам я выучил все английские слова.
    9. Я учу английский язык уже 5 лет.
    10. Завтра к 7 часам я выучу все слова.
    11. Я учил английские слова час, когда вы пришли вчера
    12. На будущий год я буду учить английский язык уже 9 лет.
    Задание II. Распределите формы по аспектам.
    1. to be + V-ing
    2. to have + V3
    3. to V
    4. to have been + V-ing a) Констатация факта (Simple)
    b) процесс (Continuous)
    c) завершенность (Perfect)
    d) завершенность + процесс
    (Perfect Continuous)
    Задание III. Какой английской форме соответствует данный русский перевод?
    1. Write
    2. am writing
    3. have been writing a) пишу (вообще)
    b) пишу (уже с …)
    c) пишу (сейчас)
    Задание IV. К какому аспекту относятся следующие глагольные формы?
    1. I am translating a story.
    2. We have translated a text.
    3. We had translated the story
    4. You will have written a test.
    5. They translate stories.
    6. They will have been working.
    7. He was reading.
    8. They went to school.
    9. I shall be working there.
    10. You have read the story.
    11. They will read the story.
    12. I had been writing a letter.

    Тема: Артикль.
    Задание. Вставьте нужный артикль: а/аn; the; -.
    1. There is ... map on the wall.
    2. There are ... many rivers in Great Britain.
    3. Give me ... pen, please.
    4. Close ... book, please.
    5. What colour is ... floor in your room?
    6. Give me ... some milk, please.
    7. There are ... foreign magazines on the table.
    8. ... English Channel separates Great Britain from Europe.
    9. ... Italy is a wonderful European country.
    10. There is a book on the shelf. Give me ... book.
    11. I began to speak to ... boy who was sitting next to me.
    12. We have ... wall newspaper in our classroom.
    13. ... USA is a big country.
    14. I took ... red apple from the plate.
    15. It was ... very cold winter.
    16. ... sun was shining in the sky.
    17. ... youngest boy has just started going to ... school.
    18. I see ... water in the glass.
    19. ... Volga is a great Russian river.
    20. Great Britain is situated on ... British Isles.

    Тема: Предлог.
    Предлоги места
    Задание. Из предложенных предлогов выберите нужный предлог. in; on; at; to.
    1. We live ... the town.
    2. France is a country ... Europe.
    3. Boston is ... the north-east of the USA.
    4. Boston is ... the east coast of North America.
    5. Boston lies ... the north-east of New York.
    6. My friend lives ... Nekrasov Street.
    7. Man is an island ... the North Sea.
    8. My father's parents live ... the mountains.
    9. London stands ... the river Thames.
    10. They stayed ... a small island for their holidays.

    Предлоги времени
    Задание. Заполните пропуски предлогами времени during, since, for, till (until).
    1. They have been writing this composition ... 2 o'clock.
    2. ... the last two month they have made great progress in English.
    3. I'll stay in Paris ... ten days.
    4. We spoke to him several times ... that evening.
    5. Don't open the door of the car ... it stops.
    6. I have lived in this flat... I was two years old.
    7. My father has gone away. He'll be away ... next Monday.
    8. How long did you stay at the party last night? ... midnight.
    9. ... our vacation we read a few books.
    10. He has been phoning you ... morning.

    Тема: “to speak, to tell, to say, to talk”
    Задание: Дайте правильный перевод следующих пословиц и выражений.

    1. Nothing to speak of.
    a) Не о чем говорить.
    b) Нечего сказать.
    c) Ничего не надо говорить.
    2. The fact speaks for itself.
    a) Факты рассказывают о себе.
    b) Факт рассказывает о себе.
    c) Сам факт говорит за себя.
    3. To talk something over.
    a) Обговорить что-либо.
    b) Рассказать что-либо.
    c) Сказать что-либо.
    4. Much talk little work.
    a) Много дел, но мало разговоров.
    b) Много разговоров – мало дела.
    c) Сказано много и много сделано.
    5. Speak well of your friends, of your enemies say nothing.
    a) Отзывайся о друзьях хорошо, о врагах – молчи.
    b) Расскажи друзьям хорошее, а с врагами молчи.
    c) Говори о врагах хорошо, а с друзьями молчи.
    6. Easier said than done.
    a) Легко сказать, трудно сделать.
    b) Легко рассказать, а сделать трудно.
    c) Болтать легко, а сделать трудно.
    7. No sooner said than done.
    a) Как сказали, так и сделали.
    b) Рассказано – сделано!
    c) Сказано – сделано.
    8. So to speak.
    a) И так, рассказываю.
    b) Так сказать.
    c) И так, говорю …
    9. To talk somebody into doing something.
    a) Уговорить кого-либо сделать что-либо.
    b) Убедить кого-либо сделать что-либо.
    c) Сказать кому-либо сделать что-либо.
    10. To have the heart to say something.
    a) Иметь мужество сказать что-либо.
    b) Иметь мужество рассказать что-либо.
    c) Иметь мужество разболтать что-либо.


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