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Контрольная Английский язык. 13 упражнений, вариант №3, номер: 90037

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Автор: marvel4
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essay cover Английский язык. 13 упражнений, вариант №3 , "ВАРИАНТ 3


/i:/ /R/ /u:/ /ei/ /ai/
legal past improve aim five



Дата публикации:

Английский язык. 13 упражнений, вариант №3


/i:/ /R/ /u:/ /ei/ /ai/
legal past improve aim five

144010, Россия, Московская, Электросталь, ул.Ялагина, д. 15А
Телефон: +7 (926) 348-33-99


  • Содержание:
    "ВАРИАНТ 3


    /i:/ /R/ /u:/ /ei/ /ai/
    legal past improve aim five



    It is the process of restorative justice, which involves the victims of crime, the community which may be affected, and offenders.
    We have to find ways of breaking the vicious circle of repetition of offending, punishment, release, reoffending and punishment again.
    Restorative justice cannot be the sole answer to this problem but can assist.
    Offenders can find it demanding when meeting face to face with their victims.
    1. The system of penal institutions is to be reformed.
    2. The witness of the murder couldn’t sleep.
    3. You should drive carefully on a busy road.
    4. When you join the police you must learn to shoot.

    А) Above all, the offender is encouraged to realize that someone, a real person, has been affected by the crime.
    1. Defendants are not entitled to a jury of any particular composition.
    2. The US Supreme court has upheld smaller juries in some cases.
    . There is no evidence that the death penalty functions as deterrent.
    4. There was nobody in the laboratory.
    5. Have we got anything to charge him with
    Over the past five years, government reforms have improved the legal system of the United Kingdom.
    They often believe that the effect of criminal behavior on them personally has not been taken into account.
    Above all, the offender is encouraged to realize that someone, a real person, has been affected by the crime.
    1. John couldn’t go to work because he had had a road accident. (Past Simple, Past Perfect)
    2. By the time we get to Birmingham we will have driven over two hundred miles. (Present Simple, Future Perfect)
    3. His car was stolen because he had left it unattended. (Past Simple, Past Perfect)
    Упр. 7
    Restorative justice is an official initiative, which has been supported and encouraged to reduce crime and benefit victims.
    It is the process of restorative justice, which involves the victims of crime, the community which may be affected, and offenders. They often believe that the effect of criminal behavior on them personally has not been taken into account.
    Above all, the offender is encouraged to realize that someone, a real person, has been affected by the crime.
    Ideally, an offender is given an opportunity to become a member of law-abiding society and repay a moral debt to victims
    Restorative justice is an official initiative, which has been supported and encouraged to reduce crime and benefit victims.
    The recently formed Youth Justice Board aims to promote the prevention of offences by children and young people.
    The board has called upon youth courts to reduce the number of short custodial sentences and,…
    With restorative justice an offender is encouraged to acknowledge the wrong which those who suffer from his or her criminal behavior have endured.
    Above all, the offender is encouraged to realize that someone, a real person, has been affected by the crime.
    Ideally, an offender is given an opportunity to become a member of law-abiding society and repay a moral debt to victims.
    Упр. 9
    Нам нужно определить, как разорвать замкнутый круг повторения преступлений.
    Конференция по восстановительному правосудию — способ достигнуть данной цели.
    Правонарушителю дается возможность стать членом законопослушного общества.
    Правонарушителям непросто встретиться со своими жертвами лицом к лицу.
    Менее двадцати людей всё ещё ожидают своего приговора.
    По мнению полиции, человек, задерживающий заложников, сильно вооружен.

    Упр. 10
    Lord Chief Justice Woolf, the main speaker, indicated that there is an alternative to imprisonment for young people. They often believe that the effect of criminal behavior on them personally has not been taken into account.
    Restorative justice is an official initiative, which has been supported and encouraged to reduce crime and benefit victims. It is the process of restorative justice, which involves the victims of crime, the community, which may be affected, and offenders.

    а)reform), restorative), reoffending (), imprisonment (), encourage (б) personally (), ideally), voluntarily (), recently ().

    Упр. 12
    a reform () – to reform (
    a benefit)– to benefit (
    an aim ()– to aim (
    a sentence () -to sentence ()
    a release ()– to release (
    a face)– to face (.)
    a test)– to test (
    a base ()– to base ()
    a grant ()– to grant (

    government reforms ()
    benefit victims (
    aims to promote
    custodial sentence (
    face to face

    Упр. 13
    Голосование за повешение

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