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Контрольная Английский язык, 10 заданий, номер: 182739

Номер: 182739
Количество страниц: 9
Автор: marvel7
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essay cover Английский язык, 10 заданий , КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА
(IV семестр)
для студентов направления «Менеджмент» и
специальности «Таможенное дело»
Работа с тексто...


Дата публикации:

Английский язык, 10 заданий
(IV семестр)
для студентов направления «Менеджмент» и
специальности «Таможенное дело»
Работа с тексто...
144010, Россия, Московская, Электросталь, ул.Ялагина, д. 15А
Телефон: +7 (926) 348-33-99


  • Содержание:
    (IV семестр)
    для студентов направления «Менеджмент» и
    специальности «Таможенное дело»
    Работа с текстом
    Globalization is a difficult term to define because it has come to mean so many things. In general, globalization refers to the trend toward countries joining together economically, through education, society and politics, and viewing themselves not only through their national identity but also as part of the world as a whole. Globalization is said to bring people of all nations closer together, especially through a common medium like the economy or the Internet.
    In our world, there are few places a person can’t get to within a day of travel, and few people a person can’t reach via telephone or Internet. Because of modern modes of travel and communication, citizens of a nation are more conscious of the world at large and may be influenced by other cultures in a variety of ways. Time and space matter less, and even language barriers are being overcome as people all over the world communicate through trade, social Internet forums, various media sources, and a variety of other ways.
    Arguments for globalization include the following:
    • It is reducing poverty worldwide.
    • It is allowing access to technology in developing countries.
    • It promotes world peace.
    • It has benefited women and children’s rights.
    • It raises life expectancy.
    Arguments against globalization are likely to come from people or nations who wish to resist trends in the global society. For instance, a Fundamentalist Islamic country may resist globalization because they see it as equivalent to westernization—weakening the religious strength of a country and exposing its people to corrupting ideas. Similarly, globalization may be feared or a matter of a concern to any country with strong isolationist policies. In the US, much of the arguments for resisting globalization come from conservative groups.
    Some people worry about how certain trends, such as outsourcing, might affect the nation. Concern exists that while outsourcing might benefit a nation which gets jobs, this takes jobs from the country or company that outsources. In this way, though the economy of the world is more globalized, the economy of an individual nation might suffer.
    Even though globalization may be a subject of argument, it’s highly unlikely to end any time soon. It would take mass destruction of all modern methods of communication and transport, in addition to all countries taking strong isolationist policies in order to reverse the globalization trends in the world. This doesn’t mean that some nations or people won’t resist what they view as globalization, but you could compare this trend to a runaway train. At this point, there is little to do to stop the communication of minds all over the world through vehicles like the Internet. Even teens and kids are communicating with children from “the four corners” of the globe. It’s therefore unlikely that globalization will experience a downward trend, and will likely continue to influence our world in myriad ways.

    Упражнение 1
    Прочитайте и устно переведите весь текст.

    Упражнение 2
    Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.
    1. What is the definition of globalization?
    2. How does globalization bring people together?
    3. Why are citizens of a nation more conscious of the world at large?
    4. What are the ways of communication for people all over the world?

    5. What are the arguments for globalization?
    6. What countries or groups of people do arguments against globalization come from?
    7. What is the negative effect of outsourcing?
    8. Will globalization end soon?
    9. Will some nations or people continue resisting globalization in the future?
    10. Can we do a lot to stop the communication of minds all over the world through the Internet?

    Упражнение 3
    Образуйте словосочетания, сопоставив слова из двух колонок. Переведите их на русский язык.
    1. mode of
    2. language
    3. downward
    4. global
    5. matter of
    6. access to
    7. media
    8. developing
    9. subject of
    10. life

    Упражнение 4
    Найдите английские эквиваленты в тексте следующим словам и словосочетаниям на русском языке.
    1. общее средство
    2. связываться с помощью телефона
    3. быть под влиянием других культур
    4. преодолевать
    5. сократить бедность
    6. продвигать мир во всём мире
    7. сопротивляться тенденциям
    8. ослабление религиозной силы
    9. массовое разрушение
    10. испытывать тенденцию к снижению

    Упражнение 5
    Дополните графы таблицы однокоренными словами. Все слова в таблице используются в тексте.
    Существительное Прилагательное

    Упражнение 6
    Определите видовременную форму выделенных глаголов-сказуемых в следующих предложениях. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
    1. Globalization is a difficult term to define because it has come to mean so many things.
    2. It is reducing poverty worldwide.
    3. It raises life expectancy.
    4. This doesn’t mean that some nations or people won’t resist what they view as globalization ...
    5. Even teens and kids are communicating with children from “the four corners” of the globe.

    Упражнение 7
    Подчеркните модальные глаголы в следующих предложениях (1-5) из текста. Соотнесите модальные глаголы с их значениями (a-e). Переведите модальные глаголы с относящимися к ним смысловыми глаголами на русский язык.
    1. In our world, there are few places a person can’t get to within a day of travel ...
    2. Because of modern modes of travel and communication, citizens of a nation are more conscious of the world at large and may be influenced by other cultures in a variety of ways.
    3. Similarly, globalization may be feared or a matter of a concern to any country with strong isolationist policies.
    4. In this way, though the economy of the world is more globalized, the economy of an individual nation might suffer.
    5. This doesn’t mean that some nations or people won’t resist what they view as globalization, but you could compare this trend to a runaway train.

    Упражнение 8
    Составьте четыре вопроса (общий, альтернативный, специальный, разделительный) к данному ниже предложению.
    In the US, much of the arguments for resisting globalization come from conservative groups.

    Упражнение 8
    Выпишите из текста четыре предложения с глаголом в форме страдательного залога. Определите их функцию в предложении. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

    Упражнение 9
    Переведите письменно последний абзац текста.

    Упражнение 10
    Ответьте письменно на вопрос (7-8 предложений): What do you think about positive and negative aspects of globalisation?

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