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Контрольная работа 4 по английскому языку в профессиональной сфере (направление «экономика»)

Контрольная Контрольная работа 4 по английскому языку в профессиональной сфере (направление «экономика»), номер: 186533

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Автор: marvel7
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essay cover Контрольная работа 4 по английскому языку в профессиональной сфере (направление «экономика») , 1. The science of economics …… business, production, trade, inflation, etc.
a. study b. studies c. stu...


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Контрольная работа 4 по английскому языку в профессиональной сфере (направление «экономика»)
1. The science of economics …… business, production, trade, inflation, etc.
a. study b. studies c. stu...
144010, Россия, Московская, Электросталь, ул.Ялагина, д. 15А
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  • Содержание:
    1. The science of economics …… business, production, trade, inflation, etc.
    a. study b. studies c. studed d. studied
    2. Economic resources include material and non-material …… .
    a. things b. thing c. thung d. thinges
    3. Economists test theories …… empirical evidence .
    a. using b. use c. used d. uses
    4. According …… the law of demand as the price for the good rises, the demand for it falls.
    a. with b. at c. to d. on
    5. To make a higher profit the seller …… raise his price and reduce his production costs.
    a. have to b. has to c. has d. have
    6. …… economic system has its benefits and drawbacks.
    a. some b. several c. any d. all
    7. Planned economics have problems …… supply.
    a. at b. from c. of d. with
    8. It …… difficult to calculate how much to produce and how high a demand to
    a. is b. are c. be d.. were
    9. If you …… a great deal of money and want to buy something, you always face a budget constraint.
    a. has b. have c. having d. had
    10. As a rule, monopolies are not good …… consumers as they are price-makers.
    a. of b. with c. for d. at
    11. Increased output is the utility which employers get from …… purchase of labour.
    a. they b. them c. their d. theirs
    12. It is impossible …… us to function without the services of banks.
    a. at b. for c. of d. with
    13. If I …… him yesterday I would have told him about this meeting.
    a. have seen b. has seen c. having seen d. had seen
    14. He can’t …… the work by now.
    a. be completed b. is completed c. have completed d. has completed
    15. When economic growth is calculated inflation …… into account.
    a. took b. is taken c. taken d. are taken
    16. Those changes on the world market …… the companies to raise prices significantly.
    a. force b. forces c. forced d. forcing
    17. The exchange rate may …… the whole economy: interest rates, balance of payments and economic growth.
    a. affect b. affects c. affected d.affecting
    18. There …… several ways to measure how developed a country is.
    a. is b. was c. are d. were
    19. …… economy comprises millions of people and thousands of firms.
    a. the b. a c. an d. some
    20. Changes …… the state of the economy affect all types of business.
    a. of b. at c. of d. in
    21. Governments …… part of their revenue on particular goods and services such
    as schools and public safety.
    a. spend b. spent c. spends d. spending
    22. Planned economies are sometimes …… ’command economies’.
    a. call b. calls c. called d. calling
    23. Everyone in society …… enough goods and services to enjoy a basic
    standard of living.
    a. receive b. receiving c. received d. receives
    24. Economists spend a lot of time …… to develop models of the economy.
    a. try b. tries c. tried d. trying
    25. Significant rates of inflation …… cause accounting and financial problems.
    a. need b. must to c. had to d. can
    26. Inflation is often accompanied …… high interest rates.
    a. on b. at c. by d. with
    27. Money can serve …… a standard of value.
    a. as b. with c. at d. on
    28. Money is a store of value because it can …… used to make purchases in the future.
    a. is b. are c. be d. am
    29. …… money you have to invest, the higher the return you can expect.
    a. the most b. most c. the more d. more
    30. They …… yesterday, so they couldn’t have made the decision yet.
    a. met b. didn’t meet c. did meet d have met
    31. They …… able to come to an agreement.
    a. shall be b. been c. will be d. be
    32. Analysts write …… the countries will reduce their imports in a few months.
    a. that b. than c. what d. then
    33. …… they afraid of losing their share of the market?
    a. do b. does c. have d. are
    34. When …… negotiations start?
    a. are b. do c. will d. does
    35. If there …… a slump in the world trade, many British industries will be affected by a fall in the demand for exports.
    a. was b. were c. be d. is
    36. If they …… against the plan it will attract much public attention.
    a. votes b. voted c voting d. vote
    37. The managing director is making a speech …… the opening ceremony tomorrow.
    a. on b. at c. with d. in
    38. They are not going to interfere …… the company’s affair.
    a. on b. at c. with d. in
    39. The company is going …… a big investment in this industry.
    a. making b. make c. to make d. makes
    40. …… you stopped to work there would be no protection for your family.
    a. as b. if c. that d. then
    41. The suppliers …… several hours ago.
    a. phone b. phones c. phoned d. phoning
    42. We have been …… for six months in national newspapers.
    a. advertise b. advert c. advertised d. advertising
    43. …… many companies invited to participate in tenders?
    a. are b. have c. do d. be
    44. How quickly is the delivery usually …… ?
    a. make b. makes c. maked d. made
    45. Money …… is the money in circulation.
    a. supply b. selection c. store d. demand
    46. The situation in which everyone who wants to work has a job is called ,,,,,,
    a. unemployment b. employment c. full employment d. employ
    47. Almost every country in the world has its own national …… .
    a. money b. currency c. wealth d. price
    48. An exchange rate is the …… of currency.
    a. money b. currency c. wealth d. price
    49. When the economy is enjoying a …… , companies experience high sales and
    general prosperity.
    a. boom b. a fall c. a decrease d. a drop
    50. Monetary …… is one of the main instruments of macroeconomics.
    a. role b. policy c. loss d. input
    2. Работа с текстом.
    The Role of Market (Роль рынка)
    Reports in the press tend to say "the market did this" or "the market expected good news on the economic front", as if the market were a single living entity with a single conscious mind.
    1. Suggest the Russian equivalents
    a single living entity with a single conscious mind
    a shorthand expression
    to be reconciled by adjustment of smth
    a suitable part-time job
    to offer high wages
    to guide smb's decision
    to cover the cost of smth.
    2. Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the text.
    1. To understand reports of market behaviour you have to…….the way the market works.
    2. On the stock market, business can be transacted over the telephone,
    almost by …….
    3. Much of economics is devoted to the study of how markets and prices
    ……. society to solve the problems.
    4. ….. your desire to eat, and your limited resources, the low hamburger
    price told you that this was a good way to ….. your appetite.
    5. If rents were higher, it might be more profitable to sell hamburgers in a cheaper area or …… to ….. lunches.
    6. The student behind the counter was part of the local ….. market.
    7. We ….. a very general definition of markets, which emphasizes that they are through, which prices influence the allocation of scarce resources.
    3. Find in the text English equivalents for the following
    поведение рынка; рынок ценных бумаг; проводить сделку, операцию иметь что-то общее с чем-либо; с учетом чего-либо (принимая во внима-ние); в пользу кого-либо другого; прибыльно продавать; переключиться на что-либо; неквалифицированная работа; распределять ресурсы по-средством системы цен; сокращать возможности экономики; набавлять цену; перераспределять расходы; оптовый рынок; механизмы (структу¬ры), посредством которых цены влияют на распределение.
    4. Answer the questions
    1. What example is given of a market where sellers and buyers actually meet?
    2. How are households' decisions on what to buy reconciled?
    3. Why do prices adjust?
    4. What problems do markets and prices solve for society?
    5. Why is the cafe owner in business
    6. Why don't cafe owners have to pay high wages?
    7. What makes society put resources into hamburger production? – People's desire to eat hamburgers guides resources into hamburger production.
    8. What would consumers do if hamburger prices rose?
    9. How many markets are you involved in if you buy a hamburger? What
    are those markets?
    10. Enumerate all the components comprising the concept of "Market".
    11. What does the term "resources" comprise?
    12. In what way can prices guide your decision to buy some goods
    13. In what way can prices guide a person's decision to take a job?
    5. Translate these sentences.
    1. Рынок ценных бумаг, как и любой рынок вообще, где совершаются сделки, представляет собой механизм (структуру), посредством которого цены регулируют распределение ограниченных ресурсов в обществе.
    2. Потребности различных групп общества приводятся в соответствие
    путем изменения (регулирования) цен на товары и ресурсы — труд, капи-тал (оборудование), землю.
    3. Многие студенты ищут работу в кафе, поскольку она занимает у
    них лишь часть времени и не требует квалификации, несмотря на то, что
    владельцы кафе предлагают невысокую плату за такой труд.
    4. Если бы возможности экономики по производству мясопродуктов
    сократились, цена на мясо возросла бы, и покупатели стали бы покупать
    сандвичи с сыром, то есть корректировка цен побудила бы общество к
    перераспределению ресурсов.

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